RU: Викладено результати вибору раціонального монолітного залізобетонного перекриття на основі розрахунку у ПК «Мономах 4.5». Наведено варіанти безбалкового безкапітельного монолітного перекриття та ребристого перекриття із плитами, обпертими по контуру. Варіанти залізобетонного монолітного перекриття порівняно за показниками витрат бетону та арматури, вартості влаштування та трудомісткості.
EN: Problem formulation. Last years new buildings are increasingly remarkable for new architectural forms. It’s because there is a need for new and interesting projects. People want to be whole their life in houses with improved conditions, with greater size and non–standard space–planning decisions. Scientific and technological advances can solve these issues.
Every year the value of land in the city is only growing, so it will be expedient to build a multi–storey building. In the design of such buildings it should be taken into consideration the type of structural system to ensure the safety, reliability, and quantitative indicator of living space.
For multi–storey residential buildings mainly primarily skeleton system, in which vertical aperture, braced elements or kernel hardness perceive the horizontal load, are used. Framing consisting of columns and beams with floor slabs and covering perceives vertical load.
Frame systems have many advantages such as: the ability to reduce the burden by building envelopes, variety of architectural forms, increasing the area of the premises etc. The framework can consist of such collecting as monolithic elements. In the design of such buildings it pays special attention to the type of floor, because it mainly determines the economic efficiency of the building.
It should be noted that overlap, which is used for attaching architectural expression to the house are monolithic. Due to this type of construction ceiling can be erected any form. It’s necessary to analyze of several possible variants of monolithic ceilings to choose more economical. Such necessity is caused by requirement of large capital investments.
Analysis of publications. Having analyzed study guide on designing the PC «Monomakh 4.2» [1] we can say that there are instructions for each stage of the design of reinforced concrete structure. Other existing articles only highlight the new features of software system. A topic of specific examples of options monolithic ceilings and their subsequent analysis after the calculation is not involved.
The aim is the choice of rational monolithic floor by comparing the model of fragment of monolithic girderless ferro–concrete ceiling without capital and ridge ceiling with plates leaned on a contour in the PC Monomakh.
To achieve the goal the following main tasks solved:
1. Construction of calculation models of monolithic girderless ferro–concrete ceiling without capital and ridge ceiling with plates leaned on a contour fragments in the PC Monomakh.
2. Calculation of overlap by method of finite elements.
3. Selection of armature for being compared variants of overlap.
4. Comparison of technical and economic performance of both variants.
Conclusion. With PC MONOMAH it’s very convenient to compare variants of overlap. This program may correct the estimated model without creating a new file.