UK: Метою статті було визначення ключових аспектів створення економіко-правового механізму формування зеленої економіки. У статті визначено основні проблеми на шляху розвитку зеленої економіки. Авторами розкрито основні економічні аспекти формування зеленої економіки. Встановлено, що до правових аспектів формування зеленої економіки слід віднести законодавчі ініціативи, регуляторні органи та контроль, міжнародні угоди та стандарти, а також національні стратегії та програми. Зазначено, що головним важелем досягнення успіху у процесі становлення зеленої економіки є налагодження взаємодії між державними органами, приватним сектором та громадськістю. Визначено, що залучення фінансових ресурсів, розробка ефективного законодавства, контроль і моніторинг, а також міжнародна співпраця є ключовими елементами для досягнення сталого розвитку та забезпечення екологічної безпеки.
EN: The article is devoted to the study of the issue of the formation of the green economy as an important direction of the development of society. The article identifies the main problems on the way to the development of the green economy. So, in particular, they include the lack of a clear, comprehensive economic and legal mechanism that would take into account the peculiarities of the national economy, legal system and environmental policy. The purpose of the article is to determine the key aspects of creating an economic and legal mechanism for the formation of a green economy. It was determined that an effective economic and legal mechanism for the formation of a green economy should be based on the harmonization of economic and legal aspects, as well as a comprehensive approach to its construction. The authors reveal the main economic aspects of the formation of the green economy (financing and investments, pricing and environmental taxes, innovation stimulation). It has been established that legislative initiatives, regulatory bodies and control, international agreements and standards, as well as national strategies and programs should be included in the legal aspects of the formation of a green economy. It was noted that the main lever for achieving success in the process of establishment and development of the green economy is the establishment of cooperation between state bodies, the private sector and the public. It was determined that attracting financial resources, developing effective legislation, control and monitoring, as well as international cooperation are key elements for achieving sustainable development and ensuring environmental safety. The authors concluded that the prospects for the formation of a green economy in Ukraine are quite favorable, provided that an integrated approach to the solution of environmental problems and the creation of an economic and legal mechanism for the formation of a green economy are provided. The implementation of the green economy will not only improve the quality of life and preserve the environment, but will also become an important factor in economic growth and increasing the country's competitiveness at the international level.