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Анализ теплопотерь жилых зданий различной этажности

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dc.contributor.author Савицкий, Николай Васильевич
dc.contributor.author Savytskyi, Mykola
dc.contributor.author Котов, Николай Андреевич
dc.contributor.author Kоtov, Mykola
dc.date.accessioned 2023-12-21T09:39:57Z
dc.date.available 2023-12-21T09:39:57Z
dc.date.issued 2014-05
dc.identifier http://visnyk.pgasa.dp.ua/article/view/40693
dc.identifier.citation Савицкий Н. В. Анализ теплопотерь жилых зданий различной этажности / Н. В. Савицкий, Н. А. Котов // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 5. – С. 4-7 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11617
dc.description.abstract RU: С использованием модельных представлений выполнен расчет теплопотерь жилых зданий различной этажности при вариации конструктивных параметров: этажности, высоты этажа, шага колонн, площади остекления при регламентируемых нормами допускаемых показателях. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract EN: For last years the necessity of using energy effectiveness of civil and residential buildings has become more actual in accordance with the stable increase in cost of energy suppliers, that’s why it has become the main trend of the development of building industry. The first designs about the reducing heat losses were started in EU in 1970–s. According to the laws of European Parliament all new constructed buildings in as EU must correspond to the level of minimum or zero energy consumption. Besides this the largest part of consumed energy of houses must be received from renewable sources of energy. Some codes were designed in Ukraine, in which the demands for designing buildings considering energy effectiveness of heat–isolated cover of buildings as well as the possibility of using innovations in the sphere of heat losses control. The present codes are also able to analyses the energy effectiveness of building after its construction, in the prosses of maintenance as well as its necessary to design the actions of reducing heat losses, which carry out through enclosing constructions in the result of non–effective heat–insulation and irrational use of heated ventilated air. Nowadays abut 40 % of all producing heat energy is applied for the maintenance of present reserve of accommodation. Using the method of modeling the account of heat losses was performed. There were examined the buildings of different stores considering the variants of constructive parameters such as storing, the store height, the step of columns, windows area according to the limits of codes.
dc.language.iso ru uk_UA
dc.publisher ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури» uk_UA
dc.subject energy effectiveness uk_UA
dc.subject the class of energy effectiveness uk_UA
dc.subject multistoried buildings uk_UA
dc.subject specific heat losses uk_UA
dc.subject класс энергоэффективности uk_UA
dc.subject энергоэффективность uk_UA
dc.subject многоэтажные здания uk_UA
dc.subject удельные теплопотери uk_UA
dc.title Анализ теплопотерь жилых зданий различной этажности uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The analysis of heat losses of dwellings of different storing uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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