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Пам’ятки архітектури міста: краєзнавчий супровід у громадському транспорті Дніпропетровська

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dc.contributor.author Євсєєва, Галина Петрівна
dc.contributor.author Yevsieieva, Halyna
dc.contributor.author Караченцев, Д.
dc.contributor.author Karachentsev, D.
dc.contributor.author Тютерева, Ю.
dc.contributor.author Tiutereva, Yu.
dc.contributor.author Коваль, А.
dc.contributor.author Koval, A.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-12-12T11:01:20Z
dc.date.available 2023-12-12T11:01:20Z
dc.date.issued 2014-11
dc.identifier http://visnyk.pgasa.dp.ua/article/view/42264
dc.identifier.citation Пам’ятки архітектури міста: краєзнавчий супровід у громадському транспорті Дніпропетровська / Г. П. Євсєєва, Ю. Тютерева, Д. Караченцев, А. Коваль // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 11. – С. 35-47 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11536
dc.description.abstract UK: Розглядається новий проект історико–краєзнавчого супроводу транспортних маршрутів міста Дніпропетровська, необхідний для виховання громадян міста через повагу та любов до історії рідного краю. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract EN: Problem statement. The problems of socio–economic and socio–political situation of Ukrainian society nowadays called the urgent need to determine the position of representatives of the state and the individual on patriotic attitude to their homeland. That is why the national patriotic education today is important. Fatherland requires each of us not only love, but much of social action. Remember the famous saying of US President John Kennedy: «Ask not what America has done for you, ask what you have done for America». This social action, in which reveals our attitude to our homeland, generate, create an image «of the country». Among the domestic needs of the service to the Fatherland should be highlighted active citizenship, which is formed through the understanding of personality, that from «me and my actions» depends everything that happens in society; love for your people, proud for your nation and your country in which you live. It is no coincidence patriotism sometimes interpreted as unity with your people. History, cultural traditions, become then true symbols of homeland, i.e. objects of pride for the citizens of the state, region, city, etc. It is in this course, the students of our academy, under the slogan declared by leaders of our region «Dnepropetrovsk — European city» proposed a new project of local historical accompaniment of transport routes of the city. Turning to the state and the European experience, it should be noted that in contrast to European cities, where almost every more or less popular town has local historical accompaniment of transport routes, cities of Ukraine, even as popular among tourists as Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa, not have such support. So in this sense Dnipropetrovsk can and should become a pioneer in this very important matter — patriotic education of citizens of the city by respect and love of local history. The analysis of recent research. On the history of our city, especially its architecture, says a lot. Among the important intelligence note are the works of M. Kavun [5–7; 11; 13] V. Bolshakov [1] E. Borodin [2] B. Bratanich [3] V. Moroz [16] T. Nyedosyekinoyi [12] and others. Scientists and researchers, journalists and public figures are gathering information about the history of our hometown [9–10; 15; 17–18]. Conclusions. An important factor in the formation of dweller’s national identity, particularly young ones are studying local history, which is closely connected with the history of the country. This is the most important part of education of today's youth. From the study of local history begins high awareness of the concepts of «Fatherland», «patriotism» and so on. Native region — is a «little homeland», which represents an area on which each person begins its adult life and form their own worldview, historical knowledge of the region in which you live, has always played a crucial role in shaping national identity. Specific dates, events, people, of which actually consists local history has always been of high interest, always influenced the way people think, especially when they could to «touch» and verify them. Therefore, the study of the history of native city in a readily accessible form — through audio commentary on public transport will encourage young people to respect their homeland, theirselfs and their future.
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури» uk_UA
dc.subject Dnipropetrovsk architectural memorials uk_UA
dc.subject hisrory of native city uk_UA
dc.subject public transport uk_UA
dc.subject patriotism uk_UA
dc.subject архітектурні пам’ятки міста Дніпропетровська uk_UA
dc.subject історія рідного міста uk_UA
dc.subject громадський транспорт uk_UA
dc.subject патріотизм uk_UA
dc.title Пам’ятки архітектури міста: краєзнавчий супровід у громадському транспорті Дніпропетровська uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Architectural Memorials of the City: Local Historical Accompaniment in Dnipropetrovsk Public Transport uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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