UK: У статті обґрунтовано важливість і доцільність складання маркетингового плану для підприємства в сучасних умовах. Зазначено, що він виконує важливу функцію визначення оптимальних каналів маркетингу для досягнення по-ставлених цілей. Метою статті є окреслення важливості складання маркетингового плану на підприємстві, роз-критті сутності його етапів та детальному освітленні кожного елемента маркетингового плану, який виступає запорукою успіху в сучасному бізнесі. У статті використано наступні методи: аналізу та синтезу, узагальнення та порівняння. Доведено, що успішна взаємодія складових маркетингового плану є індикатором успіху розвитку бізнесу. Розкрито сутність етапів складання маркетингового плану, кожен з яких виконує важливу функцію і сприяє досягнен-ню поставлених цілей підприємством.
EN: Creating a marketing plan is a necessary and useful process for any business. It helps the company better understand its opportunities in the market, identify its competitive advantages and the challenges it faces. This process allows you to develop an effective action plan aimed at developing business systematically and responsibly. A marketing plan becomes an important reference point for a company, where the goal, strategy and tactics necessary to achieve success are determined. It allows you to plan resources, set priorities and coordinate the marketing efforts of the entire team. In addition, the marketing plan serves as a basis for evaluating the results and adjusting the strategy in accordance with the changes constantly occurring in the market and the demands of consumers. In general, creating a marketing plan is an important step for an enterprise in achieving its goals and creating a successful business. The purpose of the article is to justify the importance of drawing up a marketing plan at the enterprise, to reveal the essence of its stages and to illuminate each element of the marketing plan, which is the key to the success of modern business. The article uses the following methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization and comparison. The essence of the stages of marketing planning revealed, which will help to build a high quality and thorough plan, which in turn will contribute to the achievement of the company's goals. The main elements of the marketing plan studied, which include analysis of the external environment, external analysis, research of the target audience, development of marketing strategies, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. Delineating each of these elements is a complex and individual process that takes into account the unique features of the enterprise and its context. Having developed a marketing plan, the enterprise can use it to improve the marketing strategy and increase the efficiency of its activities. It contributes to a better understanding of its custom-ers, the identification of new opportunities for growth and consolidation of the company's position on the market. A marketing plan is essential for any business and helps it find a path to success, attract customers and ensure profitability. This document is an important management tool that allows the enterprise to navigate in difficult conditions.