UK: Інвестиційна діяльність є ваговим рушієм економічних та соціальних зрушень в розвитку будь-якої країни. Інвес-тиційна діяльність – є визначальним фактором економічного росту будь-якої країни, тому питання її активізації на сьогодні є особливо актуальним. Оскільки вона стає дедалі важливішою складовою міжнародних економічних від-носин, що в свою чергу впливає на зацікавленість все більшого числа підприємств, як тих, які приймають інвестиції, так і тих, які є їхніми джерелами. Іноземні інвестиції відіграють важливу роль в економіці підприємств та країни загалом, так як вважаються основною складовою для систематичного оновлення й розширення виробничого капіталу. У сучасних умовах вони виступають найважливішим засобом забезпечення умов виходу з економічної кризи, структур-них зрушень у народному господарстві, зростання технічного процесу, підвищення якісних показників господарської діяльності тощо.
EN: Investment activity is becoming an increasingly important component of international economic relations, which in turn affects the interest of an increasing number of enterprises, both those that accept investments and those that are their sources. Foreign investments play an important role in the economy of enterprises and the country as a whole, as they are considered the main component for the systematic renewal and expansion of production capital. The article contains analytical and theoreti-cal foundations in the context of attracting foreign investment in the conditions of entering the German market to launch new activities. A detailed analysis of international economic relations between Ukraine and the countries of Germany was carried out. The volume of foreign trade between Germany and Ukraine was analyzed. The analysis of production and economic activity was carried out. The activity of the enterprise «Karpatnaftochim» LLC was investigated, in particular, the production profile and production facilities were clarified, the financial condition was analyzed, the volumes of trade in petrochemical products were given, etc. At the final stage of the study, a comprehensive measure was substantiated on the prospect of attracting foreign investment in the conditions of entering the German market in order to launch new activities. The article set a number of tasks, namely: to reveal theoretical approaches to determining the essence of the concept of "foreign direct investment"; conduct a comprehensive analysis (quantitative and qualitative) of foreign direct investment in Ukraine; to outline the issues and features of the information of the institute; summarize foreign experience in FDI regulation; to assess the financial and economic condi-tion of the enterprise and its foreign economic activity; analyze the state of attracting foreign investments at the enterprise and develop promising directions for improving the investment policy of the enterprise in the context of expanding its activities and identify the main directions of improving the investment climate in Ukraine and specific ways to stimulate foreign investments. The article provides recommendations for attracting foreign investment «Karpatnaftochim» LLC to launch new activities in the conditions of entering the German markets. Since the studied enterprise is a leading player in the domestic market for the pro-duction of chemical products, it was proposed to develop a comprehensive measure to modernize the production base, namely the purchase and installation of polymer processing equipment and the introduction of an environmental management system. As a result of the implementation of this project, the company will be able to reduce the current cost of production and, accord-ingly, increase production volumes. The advantages and disadvantages of the process of attracting foreign investments both at the macro and micro levels are also analyzed. Therefore, a competent approach to bringing the enterprise to new markets, as well as a clear consideration of all possible risks, will contribute to the successful integration of the domestic enterprise in the international arena.