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Title: Системний аналіз визначення ступеня забруднення атмосфери викидами шкідливих речовин від автотранспорту та стаціонарних джерел коксохімічного виробництва ПАТ «Євраз ДМЗ ім. Петровського» на основі натурних спостережень та даних розрахунків на ЕОМ
Other Titles: The system analysis determine the extent of pollution by emissions of pollutants from motor vehicles and stationary sources of coke production of PJSC «EVRAZ DMZ Petrovsky» on the basis of field observations and data of a computer
Authors: Полторацька, Вікторія Миколаївна
Poltoratskaya, Viktoriia
Keywords: забруднення атмосфери
викиди шкідливих речовин
натурні спостереження
коксохімічне виробництво
стаціонарі джерела
field observations
stationary sources
coke production
air pollution
pollutant emissions
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Полторацька В. М. Системний аналіз визначення ступеня забруднення атмосфери викидами шкідливих речовин від автотранспорту та стаціонарних джерел коксохімічного виробництва ПАТ «Євраз ДМЗ ім. Петровського» на основі натурних спостережень та даних розрахунків на ЕОМ / В. М. Полторацька // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 3. – С. 27-37
Abstract: UK: Стаття є результатом досліджень, проведених в 2008–2010 роках на кафедрі екології та охорони навколишнього природного середовища Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури в рамках виконання комплексної екологічної програми щодо забруднення атмосферного повітря викидами промислових підприємств, розташованих на території м. Дніпропетровськ.
EN: Statement of the problem. The existing environmental situation in Ukraine, which is very tense, due to significant anthropogenic impacts on the environment, especially in old industrial regions. One of the main reasons is air pollution and, above all, in the densely populated industrial regions of Ukraine. Analysis of the literature. This paper is the result of studies that were conducted in 2008–2010 years in the Department of Ecology and Environmental Safety Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture as part of the comprehensive environmental program on air pollution emissions of industrial enterprises located in the Dnepropetrovsk [1; 4; 9; 10]. The aim of the paper is to analyze the definition of air pollution emissions from vehicles and stationary sources of coke production from natural observational data and calculations on a computer. Conclusions. 1. The main equipment of PJSC «Evraz DMZ them. Petrovsky», JSC « Dniprovazhmash», and several other companies − old and long exhausted its resources. In addition, heat PJSC «Evraz DMZ them. Petrovsky» carried its own boiler (CHP–PVA), which is mounted boilers type of PC and PC 19–2–20-4 are designed to work on gaseous fuels: Blast (BFG), coke (PC) and natural gas in the ratio: BFG approximately 85.4 % or 115 thousand m3/hour, KG — 7.0 % or 9.4 thousand m3/hour natural gas — 7.6 % or 10.2 thousand m3/hour. It is clear that in addition to other substances characteristic emission boiler, the combustion of fuel in its appointed air gets a significant amount of sulfur dioxide. 2. For substances that enter the atmosphere from stationary sources of emissions industrial enterprises by the State Hydrometeorological Service of Dnipropetrovsk area, at the request of companies, provided background concentrations of pollutants near their location, obtained by instrumental measurements and (or) by calculation, in However, according to the requirements of regulations designers (or companies) to request background values of air pollution solely on those substances that enter the atmosphere during the current business process equipment or projected enterprise. Filed on the basis of calculations on the computer values of concentrations of pollutants in surface air, given the background concentration, decisions regarding establishing an appropriate gas and dust control equipment, or other solutions, such as increase the height of emission sources, with the aim of achieving health standards in the placement Company. As shown by our study, this approach is not sufficient, as reasonably as follows: Due to the presence in the atmosphere of Dnepropetrovsk over 17 substances that are in one way or another exercise and overall negative impact on the air, it is clear that the development of environmental measures for industry (design gas and dust control equipment) must take into account the value of background concentrations not only substances that are found in emissions from a particular company, but all materials are included in the relevant groups of summation and get into the atmosphere due to emissions of any and all industrial enterprises are located in the area. Assessment of toxicity (pollution) air is conducted not only on individual substances, but, above all, the concentration of the substances included in the summation of the relevant group. 3. As our study should, without fail, the basic investors (companies) in the indicated groups of summation, and these companies should be developed jointly by conservation measures. 4. Due to the use as fuel for boilers PJSC «Evraz DMZ them. Petrovsky» besides natural gas — blast furnace gas and coke oven gas boiler must be installed cleaning equipment, it is desirable system DESONOX, SNOX, for simultaneous purification of emissions of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. In addition, should provide significant measures to complete reconstruction of the domain and coke production with the establishment of effective gray cleaning equipment and machinery catching phenol.
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