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Title: Концепція надійності в організації будівельного виробництва
Other Titles: The concept of construction safety in production
Authors: Млодецький, Віктор Ростиславович
Mlodetskyi, Viktor
Загуменнова, А. В.
Zahumennova, A.
Морошкіна, Н. Ю.
Moroshkina, N.
Keywords: reliability
industrial process control
organizational systems
управління виробничим процесом
організаційні системи
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Млодецький В. Р. Концепція надійності в організації будівельного виробництва / В. Р. Млодецький, А. В. Загуменнова, Н. Ю. Морошкіна // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 4. – С. 19-
Abstract: UK: Досліджується вплив процесу управління на надійність досягнення кінцевого результату пыд час реалізації будівельних проектів. Установлено, що, на відмінну від традиційного підходу, рівень надійності досягнення кінцевого результату не є постійним по усьому періоду будівництва, а відповідним чином підвищується у міру виконання робіт, що необхідно окремо враховувати під час розробки стратегії управління по кожному проекту.
EN: Statement of the problem . For the construction industry is characterized by a long period of project implementation, leading to significant deviations from the actual parameters specified in the work plan . And noted that the for a longer period of time developing the plan , the higher the probability of breach targets. Current research in the field of planning and construction process into account the factors of external and internal environment by defining the parameters of schedules considering the reliability level of achievement. However , this approach ignored the determining process management implementation. And when it comes to the reliability of achieving the end result, it is necessary to comprehensively consider two processes – planning and level of reliability – Enabled him with one hand, and the management , the efficiency of which is shown to achieve a higher level of reliability of the final result than was stipulated schedule. Accordingly, research on improving the methodology scheduling of the construction in the direction of improving their reliability and further selecting a mode of construction management at the stage of implementation of the plan is relevant. Analysis publications. When it comes to the «likelihood of fulfillment of certain events in the future», it is important to reveal the concept of «an event», by which we mean : — An event that does not generate positive results. According to this division and studies. Some examine the reliability factor (the first option) formulation developments and other risks (the second option ). In probability theory proved that the probability of two opposite events complement each other to complete the event. Traditionally so happened that in the construction of more widespread study of the reliability of the process , and the prevailing economic sciences research risk factors .In work done in 90 years in the organization and planning of building work was mainly deterministic approach to calculating schedules , both within the PIC and PPR .They used the classical methods of calculating flow and network diagrams , and the main attention was paid to streamlining modes of performance. Works that are based on probabilistic approach , were isolated , albeit basic theory of organizational and technological reliability were established in the early 70's. In the works since the mid 90's to the present time greater or lesser extent , take into account the probabilistic nature of organizational and technological processes. Practically , in most of the analyzed studies emphasized on low reliability plans. Some saw it as a problem of imperfection used techniques which were developed plans and justify the need for improvement, while others have drawn attention to the role of process control and reliability of achieving the final result. It is expected that these processes can not be treated in isolation from each other , the reliability of the final result is defined as the effective planning and efficient management of the implementation. The purpose of the article. Is to establish the impact of organizational and technological solutions at the stage of planning and management process to achieve the reliability of the final result of the project. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of current followers in organizational and technological reliability in construction found that despite ongoing research in the last decade , the reliability of the plans , including construction is rather low . One reason is that the evaluation of the reliability of the final result only from the decisions embodied in the schedules , the stage of development, is not sufficient-condition is necessary to determine further management mode as the active component of the process of improving the reliability of construction.
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