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Сейсмостійкість багатоповерхових будівель в залежності від конструктивних схем хвиль

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Аббас, Аділ Джаббар
dc.contributor.author Abbas, Adil Jabbar
dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-26T08:26:55Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-26T08:26:55Z
dc.date.issued 2021-04
dc.identifier.citation Adil Jabbar Abbas Аббас А. Д. Сейсмостійкість багатоповерхових будівель в залежності від конструктивних схем хвиль : автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. : 05.23.01 «Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди» (19 – Архітектура та будівництво) / Аббас Аділ Джаббар ; Придніпр. держ. академія буд-ва та архітектури. - Дніпро, 2021. - 26 с. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/7975
dc.description.abstract UK: У дисертаційній роботі вирішена важлива науково-практична задача, яка полягає в дослідженні сейсмічної поведінки багатоповерхових будівель при підвищенні сейсмостійкості існуючих будівель, зміні сейсмічності будівельного майданчика, нерегулярності конструктивної схеми та розробці науково обґрунтованих положень та методів їх розрахунку. Наведені результати чисельних досліджень напружено-деформованого стану конструкцій багатоповерхових будівель та методики їх розрахунку на основі яких отримані уявлення про закономірності зміни спектрів несучої здатності будівлі з урахуванням нелінійної поведінки ґрунтів основи та фізичної нелінійності матеріалів конструкцій, уявлення про закономірності зміни напружено-деформованого стану конструкцій існуючої будівлі незавершеного будівництва при дії сейсмічного навантаження в залежності від місця розташування в'язевих панелей жорсткості в плані відносно центра ваги будівлі при підвищенні її сейсмостійкості та закономірності впливу зміни розрахункової сейсмічності будівельного майданчика на конструктивні та техніко-економічні характеристики заходів сейсмозахисту будівель en_US
dc.description.abstract EN: The Thesis is devoted to solving the actual scientific and practical problem of ensuring earthquake resistance of multi-storey buildings depending on design layouts and changes in earthquake activity of the construction site. The urgency of the scientific problem is substantiated, as well as the purpose and objectives of studies are formulated. The author characterized the scientific novelty and practical value of the paper, having presented its general description and links to scientific programs and topics. The Thesis Paper provides a brief overview of research to ensure reliability and design safety of buildings being engineered in earthquake areas. The general design requirements of ensuring earthquake resistance of buildings were considered, and the ways to increase earthquake resistance of buildings, and methods to proportionate buildings for seismic impacts were analyzed. The analysis of modern regulatory documents of different countries, results of theoretical research and cited literature showed that the work to improve methods of the building design calculation for seismic loads and to increase earthquake resistance of buildings is currently performed in active mode. Earthquake-resistant engineering of buildings is based on force calculation and earthquake accounting by static equivalent forces, which are calculated using the elastic reaction spectra (linear-spectral method) that link the law of soil motion to the absolute acceleration of the model in the form of a nonlinear oscillator. Design calculation with due account for the plastic and nonlinear behavior and even with an eye towards destruction of individual design elements of the building requires the use of more complex mechanical and mathematical models and theories. It is necessary to take into account the redistribution of forces along the design associated with the appearance of zones of plastic deformation in it. However, in all cases, the criterion for assessing the load-bearing capacity of the design is the principle of comparing external and internal forces. In existing studies, there is a near-zero information about the dependence of the cost of seismic protection measures in existing buildings on changes in earthquake activity of the construction site; not many papers have been done to study the behavior of buildings with the irregular distribution of weight, stiffness or resistance to seismic loads. Therefore, the scientific interest in solving problems to ensure earthquake resistance of multi-storey buildings are the tasks for choosing a rational and effective way to increase their earthquake resistance during the reconstruction and dependence of the cost of seismic protection measures in existing buildings on changes in earthquake activity of the construction site; for studying influence of irregularity of the building design layout on earthquake resistance. The technique and algorithm of numerical modeling of buildings with the irregular design layout at seismic impact calculations were developed on the basis of the method of the static nonlinear calculation realized in the ETABS software package (Nonlinear v8.08). The technique is based on the determination of nonlinear displacements of the building with the use of the bearing capacity spectrum of the building. Numerical modeling and analysis of the seismic behavior of five options of models of the building with the irregular design layout were performed. Analysis of the bearing capacity spectra of models of the building with the irregular design layout showed that buildings with the irregular design layout in the plan have a lower ability to withstand transverse loads compared to the regular design layout. It was also found that frame buildings with the irregular design layout under seismic impacts could operate in the elastic stage; this depends on the location of irregularity in the building plan, as well as the plastic properties of design materials of the building. In the paper, there have been given the results of influence of the reconstruction on the stress-strain state of the facility and search for the most rational and effective way to increase earthquake resistance of the building in progress and develop methods for the comparative analysis of different options for increasing earthquake resistance of the building, as well as estimation of its practical use. According to the research results, the patterns of change in the stress-strain state of the existing building frame designs were revealed under seismic loads depending on the location of braced rigidity panels in the plan relative to the center of gravity of the building; therefore, the required reinforcement of designs of the frame was determined to ensure the regulatory requirements of seismic protection of the building, and the analysis of efficiency of options in comparison with the initial design model of the building was conducted. Since the introduction of the new design standards Civil Engineering in Earthquake Areas of Ukraine, earthquake endangered areas with a general increase in their calculated earthquake activity have been significantly expanded, and the 6-point territories have been included in the list of earthquake zones. The results of changing the stress-strain state of designs of the multi-storey building and the technique of taking into account influence of changes in the calculated earthquake activity of the construction site on design, technical and economic characteristics of the building are presented. The obtained relations of changing the stress-strain state of designs of the multi-storey building, in dependence to changes in the calculated earthquake activity of the construction site, allow obtaining economic indicators for buildings that have the same design reliability in different seismic conditions. The Thesis Paper solves an important scientific and practical problem, which is to study the seismic behavior of multi-storey buildings while increasing earthquake resistance of existing buildings, to change earthquake activity of the construction site and irregular design layout, and to develop scientifically sound provisions and methods for their calculation.
dc.language.iso uk en_US
dc.publisher ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури» en_US
dc.subject сейсмічний вплив en_US
dc.subject напружено-деформований стан en_US
dc.subject сейсмічна стійкість en_US
dc.subject спектр несучої здатності en_US
dc.subject будівлі en_US
dc.subject реконструкція en_US
dc.subject seismic impact en_US
dc.subject stress-strain state en_US
dc.subject earthquake resistance en_US
dc.subject bearing capacity spectrum en_US
dc.subject buildings en_US
dc.subject reconstruction en_US
dc.title Сейсмостійкість багатоповерхових будівель в залежності від конструктивних схем хвиль en_US
dc.title.alternative Earthquake resistance of multi-storey buildings depending on design layouts en_US
dc.type Dissertation Abstract en_US

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