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The principles of metabolism in architecture for the reconstruction of war-ravaged cities

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dc.contributor.author Merylova, Iryna
dc.contributor.author Nevhomonnyi, Hryhorii
dc.contributor.author Rechyts, Olexandr
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-27T11:21:29Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-27T11:21:29Z
dc.date.issued 2024-03
dc.identifier.citation Merylova I. The principles of metabolism in architecture for the reconstruction of war-ravaged cities / I. Merylova, H. Nevhomonnyi, O. Rechyts // Матеріали науково-практичної конференції «Просування енергоефективності та підготовка фахівців для відбудови України», (13 березня 2024 р., Дніпро) : зб. тез. - Дніпро: Енерго-інноваційний хаб ПДАБА, 2024. – С. 9-11 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/12453
dc.description.abstract EN: Introduction. Reconstruction of cities after war is a complex and multi-faceted process, requiring not only physical restoration of destroyed structures, but also careful considerationof social, economic, and cultural aspects. In this context, the principles of implementing metabolism in architecture become increasingly relevant and important. Metabolism, borrowed from biology, is a concept that allows buildings and urban structures to grow, change, and adapt to new conditions, meeting the needs of inhabitants and changing environments. The concept of metabolism in architecture emerged in Japan in the 1960s and was proposed by a group of Japanese architects, including Kenzo Tange, Fumihiko Maki, and Kisho Kurokawa, as an alternative to Western rationalistic concepts. Metabolism suggested a new approach to design and construction, inspired by biological processes, which laid the foundation for buildings to grow and transform in response to the current needs of society and the environment. Currently, the principles of metabolism in architecture are gaining particular relevance in the context of reconstructing cities devastated by war. In this paper, we will examine the key principles of implementing metabolism in architecture in the reconstruction of war-torn cities and their significant importance in creating sustainable and viable urban environments. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури uk_UA
dc.subject the principles of metabolism in architecture uk_UA
dc.subject the reconstruction of -ravaged cities uk_UA
dc.subject war uk_UA
dc.title The principles of metabolism in architecture for the reconstruction of war-ravaged cities uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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