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Назва: «Ще не вмерла України ні слава ні воля!» (До 175-річчя з дня народження видатного українського етнографа Павла Чубинського)
Інші назви: «Ukraine has not perished nor fame nor done» (To the 175th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian ethnographer Paul Chubinskogo)
Автори: Євсєєва, Галина Петрівна
Yevsieieva, Halyna
Ключові слова: anthem of Ukraine
historical songs
the story of creation
гімн України
сторія створення
історичні пісні
Дата публікації: січ-2014
Видавництво: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Бібліографічний опис: Євсєєва Г. П. «Ще не вмерла України ні слава ні воля!» (До 175-річчя з дня народження видатного українського етнографа Павла Чубинського) / Г. П. Євсєєва // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 1. – С. 52-56
Короткий огляд (реферат): UK: Подається історія створення одного найпопулярніших творів П. Чубинського. Серед безлічі наукових праць, які залишив по собі Павло Чубинський, особливої невмирущої слави він заслужив створенням урочистої пісні борців за волю, яка за півтора століття стала Державним гімном незалежної України.
EN: Problem statement. The fortune of many patriotic songs is very similar to the fortune of Ukrainian nation. Every time when the nation revived, its dongs revived and resurrected as well. When Ukrainian nation was depressed with bondage, spiritual slavery, the national soul also got silent although never died. Many various patriotic songs continued their existence illegally, always filling the hearts of Ukrainians with hopes for better future. A song is the soul of the nation, national anthem is the highest appearance of its freedom-loving desires, spiritual-patriotic aspiration. Having lost its greatness of authority, Ukraine had not had its national anthem for several centuries; patriotic songs, often of regional character, which did not cover the fortune of the entire nation divided by the borders of Austro–Hungarian and Russian empires, had replaced it. Analysis of publications. National-spiritual heritage by P. Chubinski has been explored by different scientists, for instance, A. Zil’ [1], V. Miyakovski [4], N. Ship [6], I. Kolyada [2] etc. The period when P. Chubinski lived and worked is qualified by scientist as the second stage of Ukrainian national revival. Ukrainian intellectuals established linkage between the prospective of Ukrainian liberate movement and the necessity of self-identification of Ukrainians through establishing uniqueness of the language and culture of Ukrainian nation. Pavlo Chubinski was a lawyer by profession, ethnographer, poet and folklorist by calling, passionate patriot by convictions. Bright manifestation of patriotic-national feelings of Ukrainians of our united land was appearance of the poem by Pavlo Chubinski «Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy» (Ukraine Has Not Yet Died). There is no other piece of writing in the Ukrainian literature with such a magnificent and tragic fortune. Magnificent because it embodied the eternal dream of the nation to become sovereign, obtain freedom; it reflects the unbeaten belief in Ukraine’s revival. Tragic because for more than a century the anthem-song was persecuted, forbidden. They tried to kill it but did not manage to. Creation of Ukrainian anthem rises from the beginning of the autumn 1862. The reason to remember all these old events is the recent event of the international scale. On 30 September 2013 UNESCO World Heritage Centre recognized Ukrainian anthem as the best in the world. It was informed by Interfax-Ukraine referring to the UN News Centre [http://www.un.org/russian/news/]. The rating included national anthems of 193 countries of the world. The anthem of Ukraine won the first place in the general rating. Four characteristics were considered, in two of which Ukrainian anthem got the highest point. They are euphony and harmonious combination of musical and lyrical parts. High point was also obtained for originality of musical decision and integrity as well as for content-richness of the text. Ukraine was the only European country in the top-five, in general in the top-ten best national anthems there were included the ones of New Zealand (2 place), South Africa (3 place), Australia (4 place), the USA (5 place), Canada (6 place), the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland (7 place), Spain (8 place), France (9 place) and Japan (10 place). This year Ukraine and Ukrainians celebrate 150 anniversary of the prominent poet who presented us the magnificent piece of art, which has become the symbol of uniting the state. At last under the influence of alarming events every Ukrainian citizen perceived the immortal text as the symbol of freedom, will and new hopes. It is pleasant to watch all the Ukrainian people singing the anthem of their country. Today in conditions of formation of democratic state the anthem of Ukrainian state became uniting factor, the patriotic element without which any country of the world cannot exist. Therefore, among numerous works in Pavlo Chubinski’s heritage the one, which brought him the immortal fame, was creation of solemn song of fighters for freedom that for a century and half has become the National Anthem of independent Ukraine.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11739
Інші ідентифікатори: http://visnyk.pgasa.dp.ua/article/view/39894
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