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dc.contributor.authorСтупнікер, Ганна Леонідівна-
dc.contributor.authorStupniker, Hanna-
dc.identifier.citationСтупнікер Г. Л. Державне регулювання чинників ціноутворення на житловому ринку регіонів України в контексті зниження вартості будівництва / Г. Л. Ступнікер // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 3. – С. 58-64uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Із позицій формування державного управлінського механізму досліджується сутність та зміст понять «доступне житло», «показник доступності житла» (ПДЖ). Виокремлено ознаки доступного житла, розраховано ПДЖ по регіонах України, визначено його динаміку.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: The theoretical and methodological bases and mechanisms of improvement of housing economy development of Ukrainian regions are analysed in the article. A housing economy is examined as an aggregate of financial and non-material constituents which unite a housing fund and control system to them in an unique indivisible complex. A housing economy is characterized high level of funds capacity and investment attractiveness. The results of scientific investigations concerning the formation of social marketing relations in the field of housing economy, the simulation of the housing policy in the period of economy reforming are analysed. In the article the essence and concept content «accessible habitation» and «index of accessible habitation» (IAH) from the point of view of the state -administrative mechanism formation analysis. The essence of housing affordability index of Ukrainian regions was determined with the position of external factor influence as a criterion that defines market demand on services of building companies. Its formula taking into account main features that characterize housing was offered. On the basis of the statistic data research comparative analysis of IAH dynamics in different regions of Ukraine was made.It considers the possibility of the IAH use while determination of the public housing policies efficiency on housing of citizens of Ukraine. As a result of research of conformities to the law of price-wave at the market of habitation directions of development of a build industry are offered as one of the most effective instruments of forming of housing fund, the system of habitation structuring is developed for planning and realization of tasks to development of housing economy of regions by legislative, organizational and financial As a result of research the ways of forming of the whole integral control system and basic directions of realization of housing economy development conception are offered, and also the principle approach to allocation of the limited resources for development of housing economy of cities is certain taking into account their features. The notion of the housing policy has been defined and its essence, roles and objectives under the present conditions have been examined. The peculiarities of the housing recourses fund and the qualities of modern amenities in the Ukraine have been determined. The methodological backgrounds of the housing system formation in the transitional period to the developed housing market model have been elaborated. The state must to execute the regulative functions and must to apply facilities of influence on the factors of housing affordability. From its depends the efficiency of decision of housing problem in Ukraine.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectжитловий ринокuk_UA
dc.subjectдоступність житлаuk_UA
dc.subjectжитлова політикаuk_UA
dc.subjecthousing marketuk_UA
dc.subjectaccessible habitationuk_UA
dc.subjecthousing policiesuk_UA
dc.titleДержавне регулювання чинників ціноутворення на житловому ринку регіонів України в контексті зниження вартості будівництваuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe government adjusting of factors of pricing at the housing market of regions of Ukraine in the context of decline of cost of buildinguk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 03

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