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dc.contributor.authorЧернова, Наталья Витальевна-
dc.contributor.authorChernova, Anastasiia-
dc.contributor.authorВойцицкий, Д. Д.-
dc.contributor.authorVoitsytskyi, D.-
dc.identifier.citationЧернова JI. E. Концептуальные основы архитектурного проектирования технопарков / Л. Е. Чернова, Д. Д. Войцицкий // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 6. – С. 45-52uk_UA
dc.description.abstractRU: Проанализирован зарубежный и отечественный опыт создания технопарков, появившихся в постиндустриальных странах в последние 25–30 лет. Разработана авторская концепция сущности и принципы универсальной модели технопарков с точки зрения архитектуры, адекватная для украинского общества.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Object of research is foreign and native experience of creating technoparks that have emerged during the transition to the information society in the last 25–30 years and the differences of technoparks as a new model of innovative environment from other models of previous eras. The goals of research are the identification of the nature and development of conceptual architectural design technology parks, adequate for Ukraine. Problem situation.In the transition to the information society, the role of people engaged in the intellectual creative activity is increasing. Science, knowledge and education are the leading branches of production of the new society. The main and most valuable products are the innovations in various forms. For their appearance it is essential to create a special environment of their production, original garden incubator, which would generate multidisciplinary job (synergy), knowledge and elements of scientific production, with the synthesis functions, replacing each other. However, the models proposed and implemented in Ukraine and Russia represent the modernization of the old forms of innovative environment, they are modified new conditions, and not the actual technoparks. Technoparks are distinguished with compactness, applied nature of research, temporary teams, cluster locality, modularity, flexibility, openness and accessibility for everybody, environmental friendliness, availability of parks and exhibition and educational complexes, unique architectural design. Conclusion. 1. Technopark is a special type of innovation environment, "park", where socially significant new ideas and knowledge for the whole society are "grown", and its products are distributed freely and openly. Technoparks are an incentive fulfillment and development of the nation’s intellect. The creation of small and medium–sized (in scope and cost) organizations to develop competitive high–tech products in the form of industrial parks will help Ukraine to survive the crisis and compete in the global market. 2. "Fruits" of technology parks are the intellectual products in the form of IT, new technologies which are intended for use in management, production, education, social services and do not require a strong industrial base, huge material and human resources on the development stage. For a rapid distribution of technology parks in Ukraine support is needed from central and local government, academia, businesses and investors to develop the legal framework, PR — support. 3. Research of technoparks belongs rather to the application level of science, practical knowledge and technology, but has a broad basis for the introduction and spread. "Technopark" is a holistic system of open, organic synthesis of ties and relations of innovative research and society on the principles and foundations that were not previously used. 4. Technoparks work as independent innovation systems, while cooperating as partners with other types of innovative environments: universities, research institutes, NPK, TNK, NPP, international research centers and the International Funds and all comers. Industrial parks may represent a part of a larger creation as a structural unit, but in that case, they should maintain their autonomy and all the features of Technopark, otherwise they lose their essence. 5. Architectural design of Technopark is intended to reflect by the means of expression the concept and the role of technology parks in the innovative development of society and embody its distinctive features. Architectural image of Technopark should be memorable and holistic. With all the diversity of technology parks, there are two basic universal features of architectural models: uniqueness and dynamism. 6. Each industrial park is a unique architectural complex system of internal and external relations (modules) using the conditions of given territory, region and contributing to its further development. Technopark is autonomous self–functioning, open, flexible and mobile system that responds promptly to requests from business, education, government and society, which in turn determines the architectural design principles and development of industrial parks.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectinnovative environmentuk_UA
dc.subjectthe organization of researchuk_UA
dc.subjectthe concept of the technoparkuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation societyuk_UA
dc.subjectконцепция технопаркаuk_UA
dc.subjectинформационное обществоuk_UA
dc.subjectорганизация исследовательской деятельностиuk_UA
dc.subjectинновационная средаuk_UA
dc.titleКонцептуальные основы архитектурного проектирования технопарковuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeConceptual foundations of technoparks architectural designuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 06

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