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dc.contributor.authorКарпов, В. С.-
dc.contributor.authorKarpov, V.-
dc.contributor.authorКопайгородська, І. Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorKopaihorodska, I.-
dc.identifier.citationКарпов В. С. Проблема вибору політичного та соціально–економічного курсу України. Позитивні та негативні наслідки вступу України до Митного союзу / В. С. Карпов, І. Ю. Копайгородська // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 6. – С. 36-39uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Проведено дослідження можливих наслідків вступу України до Митного союзу, їх аналіз та обґрунтування.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Formulation of the problem. A characteristic feature of the modern world is to promote the development of integration processes in the world and Europe in particular. However, even those countries that are not part of the integration associations inevitably felt by their significant impact. Following the enlargement of the EU Ukraine became a direct neighbor of the EU. So now more than ever, faced the problem of European integration, but in the present conditions of European integration can not be torn away from integration with other countries, especially the most historically linked Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others. You must look for a solution to the question of integration that will bring our country as much good. Analysis publications. Consideration of a number of literature on the economic implications of the integration of Ukraine into the Customs Union has made it possible to conclude that the lack of a clear assessment of the prospects of economic development of the national economy in terms of joining the Customs Union. Consideration of these issues the subject involved: F. Willow, S. Glazyev, Y. Maksimov, I. Fomin, V. Muntiyan et al. The purpose of the article. Investigation of the possible consequences of Ukraine's accession to the Customs Union, their analysis and justification. Conclusion. Modern Ukraine should continue to improve the regulatory framework, modernization of the national economy, and thereby raise the level of competitiveness in European markets as well as the customs union. The country needs to look for ways to improve the economy. At this stage of accession to the EU can only worsen the economic situation in the country. Instead, membership in a customs union can raise economic growth, to give impetus to the development of certain industries and solve major energy problems of our country.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectCustoms unionuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic benefituk_UA
dc.subjectthe gas problemuk_UA
dc.subjectregulatory frameworkuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічна вигодаuk_UA
dc.subjectнормативно–правова базаuk_UA
dc.subjectМитний союзuk_UA
dc.subjectгазова проблемаuk_UA
dc.titleПроблема вибору політичного та соціально–економічного курсу України. Позитивні та негативні наслідки вступу України до Митного союзуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe problem of choice of the political and socio–economic course of Ukraine. Positive and negative effects of Ukraine's accession to the Customs Unionuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 06

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