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dc.contributor.authorСамойленко, Євгенія Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorSamoilenko, Yevheniia-
dc.identifier.citationСамойленко Є. В. Проблеми природокористування на прирічкових територіях Дніпра / Є. В. Самійленко // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 7. – С. 50-57uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Функціонування гідротехнічних споруд змінило екосистему ріки та поступово спричинило негативні наслідки для людини та навколишнього світу. Природне середовище басейну Дніпра потребує реконструкції та значного фінансування для підтримки принципів сталого розвитку. Головною метою статті є проведення ретельного аналізу причинно–наслідкових зв’язків для виявлення основних причин, що викликали небажані зміни екосистеми ріки, та розробка заходів, спрямованих на поліпшення її стану.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: At this time the rational nature management within river basins and maintaining ecological balance in the riverside areas is growing from year to year . The main reason which affects for the decline in water quality and the most damage within is intensive agricultural activities, straightening of the channel, hydropower and industry. According to the current global trends based on the idea of sustainable development and for ecological restoration of riverine areas, we should determine the most effective and successful way. To a large extent the reason for pollution of surface waters of the Dnieper is the absence of adequate and systematic actions. Efforts should be made to combat the consequences, rather than addressing the factors that cause a negative impact. Programme for the conservation and restoration of river ecosystems should be aimed at minimizing damage to the sustainable operation of the pool and preserve the integrity of river systems. Adequate planning of riverside areas contribute to a balanced and effective development. The main stages of use riverine areas are assessment and capacity planning, development and restrictions set by law. My field of research is closely connected with the using of riverside territories. The problem I am studying concerns the results of wrong urban planning, the given urban sites were occupied by industry, civil buildings and other objects of utility. The necessity of the research is dictated by the need of solving problems of many modern cities, which are situated near water, including territory of our city. Because of the intensive urban development and industrial activity, our city had lost its recreational areas and its ecological balance was disrupted. In this situation, I am engaged in researching into the action of our city's industrial past, in order to fined the methods of ecological transformation of the riverside areas. This article is aimed at finding possible solutions to return disturbed areas to their natural balance and further sustainable development. The main aim of my investigation is to find out methods of ecological–urban optimization and transformation of the riverside territories. The investigation I am carrying is important for optimization of the riverside and its natural elements, for the formation of environmental frame, for her citizens, for improvement of economic efficiency of our city. The chief purpose of my work is to create the complex model of environmental and urban planning optimization in the conditions of Dnepropetrovsk.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectфункціонування річкових екосистемuk_UA
dc.subjectекосистемний підхідuk_UA
dc.subjectекологічна рівновагаuk_UA
dc.subjectріка Дніпроuk_UA
dc.subjectwater areauk_UA
dc.subjectthe ecosystem approachuk_UA
dc.subjectfunctionation of river ecosystemsuk_UA
dc.subjectthe river Dnieperuk_UA
dc.subjectecological balanceuk_UA
dc.titleПроблеми природокористування на прирічкових територіях Дніпраuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeProblems of nature in riverside areas of the Dnieperuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 07

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