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dc.contributor.authorЄвсєєва, Галина Петрівна-
dc.contributor.authorYevsieieva, Halyna-
dc.contributor.authorСавицький, Микола Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorSavytskyi, Mykola-
dc.identifier.citationЄвсєєва Г. П. Основні вимоги до якісного оформлення наукових публікацій / Г. П. Євсєєва, М. В. Савицький // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 8. – С. 53-62uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Розкрито найхарактерніші помилки, які притаманні початківцям, що необізнані або мало обізнані з державними вимогами, котрі зафіксовані в державних стандартах, щодо оформлення результатів наукових досліджень.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Raising of problem. Scientific and technical activity, on determination of Law on scientific and technical activity, that presently is on a discussion in the committees of supreme soviet of Ukraine, − intellectual creative activity sent to the receipt and use of new knowledge in all industries of technique and technologies. Her by basic forms (by kinds) research, дослідно–конструкторські, project–designer, technological, to the search and project–searching works, making of pre–production models or parties of scientific and technical production, and also other works related to taking of scientific and scientific and technical knowledge to the stage of their practical use. Among the first steps in this direction for young scientists there is promulgation ( public approbation) of own in–practical researches, that comes true, as a rule, through publications in scientific professional magazines. The aim of the article is to expose the most characteristic errors, what inherent to the beginners, that uninformed or small well–informed with state requirements About it already it is not small written in scientific literature [2–3; 15; 24], but we would like to be stopped for violations that is related exactly to the state standards in this sphere. Conclusion. Every researcher aims to take the results of the labour to the reader. Preparation of publication is a process individual. One consider a necessity only shortly to describe research motion and in detail to expound end–point. Other researchers gradually enter a reader in the creative laboratory, light up the stage after the stage, thoroughly expose the methods of the work. Lighting up all research process from creative intention to his final stage, lining results, formulating conclusions and recommendations, a scientist exposes complication of creative searches. In our view, main in this individually–creative process to adhere to the certain in general lines norms, that scientific work became accessible and clear to all interested persons. Observance of the above–mentioned standards and requirements and will give a just the same result to you.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectнаукова статтяuk_UA
dc.subjectметодика написання наукових статейuk_UA
dc.subjectвимоги державних стандартів до наукових статейuk_UA
dc.subjectscientific paperuk_UA
dc.subjectthe technique of writing scientific articlesuk_UA
dc.subjectthe requirements of national standards for scientific articlesuk_UA
dc.titleОсновні вимоги до якісного оформлення наукових публікаційuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeBasic requirements for the design of high–quality scientific publicationsuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 08

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