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dc.contributor.authorМірошниченко, Костянтин Кирилович-
dc.contributor.authorMiroshnychenko, Kostiantyn-
dc.identifier.citationМирошниченко К. К. Удосконалення технологічного обладнання з використанням геометричного моделювання для формоутворення робочих органів змішувачів / К. К. Мирошниченко // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 8. – С. 19-23uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: В статті наведено використання елементів геометричного моделювання для розробки ефективної лопаті змішувача складної форми. Використання такої лопаті забезпечує ефективний режим перемішування фібробетонних композицій.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Problem definition. Over the last years the demand for fibre concrete has increased. Due to its properties it increasingly attracts the attention of scientists and manufacturers. However, the problem of high quality fibre concrete manufacture has not practically solved until present. This contains its wide use in building. Analysis of recent research: The analysis of present developments concerning this problem shows that over the last years there have been some investigations, however, they are not of system and fundamental character. Those research works do not consider essentially processes investigations that occur in a mixture being effected by mixer blades of various shapes. There are a few researches on fibre concrete production technology. Practically such a material manufacture is performed in common concrete mixers. The quality of compound is not satisfied. Purpose: Using geometric simulation to develop various variants of the blades of work members of mixers that ensure the efficient mixing of fibre concrete building compounds in the conditions of a construction site. Results: The use of the developed blades of complicated shape permits to get homogeneous fibre concrete compounds. Due to the high quality of mixing, the time of mixture making reduces. This helps to reduce repair equipment and electric power costs. Such introduced mobile production technology techniques permit to enhance essentially the application fields of fibre reinforced fine concretes. Conclusion. The article deals with the use of geometric simulation elements to develop the efficient mixer blade of complicated shape. The application of such a blade provides the efficient operation of fibre concrete compounds mixing.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectгеометричне моделюванняuk_UA
dc.subjectдисперсна арматураuk_UA
dc.subjectgeometrical designuk_UA
dc.subjectdispersion armatureuk_UA
dc.subjectfibrous concreteuk_UA
dc.titleУдосконалення технологічного обладнання з використанням геометричного моделювання для формоутворення робочих органів змішувачівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeImprovement of process equipment with the use of geometric simulation to form work members of mixersuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 08

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