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dc.contributor.authorБаранник, Олена Юріївна-
dc.contributor.authorBarannyk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorВерещак, А.-
dc.contributor.authorVereshchak, A.-
dc.contributor.authorМалий, А.-
dc.contributor.authorMalyi, A.-
dc.identifier.citationБаранник О. Ю. Молодіжний сленг – лінгвістично цікаве явище / О. Ю. Баранник, А. Верещак, А. Малий // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 10. – С. 56-59uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Узагальнено інформацію щодо молодіжного сленгу та досліджено фразеологічну підсистему молодіжного сленгу.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Raising of problem. That such the Ukrainian youth slang? He is named now the interesting linguistic phenomenon existence of that limit not only by certain age–old scopes, as it clear from his name, but also by social, temporal, spatial scopes. He exists mainly in the environment of young people, that studies, but is clear for other. Analysis of previous researches. The problem of youth slang plenty of scientific works is sanctified to: to research of Ukrainian–language slangy and substandard vocabulary the devoted labours of L. O. Stavyts'koyi; the separate aspects of functioning of slang vocabulary in Ukrainian investigate Yu. L. Mosenkis; O. S. Fursa. It costs to distinguish research of functioning of slang vocabulary from positions of sociolinguistics of city T. M. Mykolenko; dissertation work of S. A. Martos sanctified to the youth slang of Kherson. The Ukrainian computer slang is examined in research of I. I. Shchur. An important contribution to development of the Ukrainian sociolinguistics was also done by L. O. Kudryavtseva, in labour of that functioning of slangy and slang vocabularies is investigated in Russian in Ukraine. However, without regard to the far enough of labours, the modern state of research of problem of differentiation of unnormative subsystems of language remains actual enough. Conclusions. On the modern stage of development of languages a youth slang is one of main sources of addition to dictionary composition. Scientists mark that elements of slang or disappear quickly, or included in a literary language. Borrowing of words and word–combinations of slang and jargons in a literary vocabulary predetermined first of all by the necessity of addition to expressive facilities. Most units of slang and jargons are literary units that got specific values. But, it is necessary to understand that a slang influences on development and state of our language not from the best side. He presents a most danger that slang in consciousness delivered stylistic colouring and perceived as «ordinary words». Jargon and slang wash the enormous layers of literary vocabulary from our language, impoverishes a language, the same, preventing to intellectual and creative development of personality. It is necessary to remember, that the excessive use of slang conducts to become the mother tongue poorer.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectlinguistic gameuk_UA
dc.subjectphraseology of youth slanguk_UA
dc.subjectbroadcasting of schoolboysuk_UA
dc.subjectstudent broadcastinguk_UA
dc.subjectyouth slanguk_UA
dc.subjectмовна граuk_UA
dc.subjectфразеологія молодіжного сленгуuk_UA
dc.subjectмовлення школярівuk_UA
dc.subjectстудентське мовленняuk_UA
dc.subjectмолодіжний сленгuk_UA
dc.titleМолодіжний сленг – лінгвістично цікаве явищеuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeYouth slang is the linguistic interesting phenomenonuk_UA
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