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dc.contributor.authorСоболь, Х. С.-
dc.contributor.authorSobol, Kh. S.-
dc.contributor.authorПетровська, Н. І.-
dc.contributor.authorPetrovska, N. I.-
dc.contributor.authorТерлига, В. С.-
dc.contributor.authorTerlyha, V. S.-
dc.contributor.authorКовальчук, М. Б.-
dc.contributor.authorKovalchuk, M. B.-
dc.identifier.citationПереваги застосування цеолітових туфів Сокирницького родовища при виробництві сучасних тампонажних матеріалів / Х. С. Соболь, Н. І. Петровська, В. С. Терлига, М. Б. Ковальчук // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 10. – С. 4-9uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUK: Проведено дослідження доцільності застосування цеолітових туфів Сокирницького родовища як компонента сучасних будівельних матеріалів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Natural zeolites are effective materials with an unique crystalline structure and ionexchange properties. They are successfully used in many industries of industry, agriculture, and also defence of environment. Specificity of properties of zeolite tuffs is predefined a structure three–dimensional alyumosilikatnogo framework them crystalline grate and by a presence in the crystals of the developed system of microcavities and ductings. Over 1000 deposits of natural zeolites are presently developed volcanically osadovogo origin. One of most in Europe there is Sokirnicke deposit of zeolites in the Zakarpattya area. Natural zeolites in the Zakarpattya area are characterized uniquesorption, ionexchange and by catalytic properties. By comparison to analogues, they differ an enhanceable heat–resistance and acidoresistance and enhanceable volume of sorption space. The conducted researches rotined efficiency of the use of natural zeolites in quality of mineral additions in plugging materials. Them high porosity is used at cementation of oil and gas mining holes with anomalous plastovim LP. High activity of SiO2 Al2O3 enables to characterize them as additional cementitious materials. A research purpose is consideration of possibilities of application of zeolite tuffs at the production of modern build materials Physical and chemical researches conducted from the use of rentgenofazovogo and differentially thermal methods of analysis. A basic zeolite mineral in the zeolite breeds of Zakarpattya is klinoptilolit, crystallization of which takes place on–the–spot volcanic glass. A clay breed is presented a hydromica and montmorilonitom, except for it they contain a quartz, feldspars, carbonates, et cetera. The conducted researches rotined expedience of application of zeolite tuffs of Sokirnickogo of deposit as to the component of modern build materials. Physical and chemical researches led to being in chemical composition of connections which actively co–operate with portlandcementnimi minerals during hardening of cement. Laboratory researches confirm efficiency of the use of zeolite as a component in the facilitated tamponazhnikh materials.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectzeolite tuffsuk_UA
dc.subjectphysico–chemical studiesuk_UA
dc.subjectplugging materialsuk_UA
dc.subjectdry constructing mixesuk_UA
dc.subjectцеолітові туфиuk_UA
dc.subjectтампонажні матеріалиuk_UA
dc.subjectфізико–хімічні дослідженняuk_UA
dc.subjectсухі будівельні сумішіuk_UA
dc.titleПереваги застосування цеолітових туфів Сокирницького родовища при виробництві сучасних тампонажних матеріалів.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAdvantages of application of zeolite tuffs of Sokirnickogo of deposit are at the production of modern tamponazhnikh materialsuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 10

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