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Title: Using environmentally friendly concrete in reinforced concrete structures
Authors: Fedin, Vladyslav
Nikiforova, Tetiana (scientific supervisor)
Нікіфорова, Тетяна Дмитрівна (науковий керівник)
Keywords: using environmentally friendly concrete in reinforced concrete structures
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Publisher: Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
Citation: Fedin V. Using environmentally friendly concrete in reinforced concrete structures / V. Fedin ; scientific supervisor : T. Nikiforova // Матеріали наук.-практ. конференції студ., аспір. і молодих вчених, 27-28 березня 2023 р. – Дніпро : ПДАБА, 2023. – С. 363-366
Abstract: EN: Problem statement. In accordance with the concept of sustainable development, construction must adhere to environmental standards and use materials that have a lesser impact on the environment. To meet these requirements, environmentally friendly concretes are finding increasing use in construction, as an alternative to traditional concrete which is made using nonrenewable resources and can have a significant carbon footprint.
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