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dc.contributor.authorFrolov, M. O.-
dc.identifier.citationFrolov M. O. Stress-strain state of cellular floors / M. O. Frolov // Інноваційні технології у будівництві, цивільній інженерії та архітектури: тези XIХ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (19-22 вересня 2021 р., м. Чернігів). – Дніпро : ДВНЗ ПДАБА, 2021. – С. 44-45en_US
dc.description.abstractEN: With the active development of the construction industry, new efficient designs are always required, which will make it possible to realize what was previously difficult or impossible. Taking into account the tendency to erect tall multi-storey buildings for the most dense distribution of living space within the existing site, problems often arise with the superstructure of an already built structure without significant load on the supporting structures or for savings in new construction. Also, during the reconstruction of old structures, the supporting structures do not carry new loads, but there is no way to significantly strengthen them. Many works have been devoted to the problem of high-rise construction and reconstruction, but key difficulties remainsen_US
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»en_US
dc.subjectstress-strain state of cellular floorsen_US
dc.titleStress-strain state of cellular floorsen_US
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