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Title: Comparative analysis of microclimate parameters of lowfloor residential buildings with different heating systems
Authors: Bondarenko, Andrii
Yurchenko, Yev. L.
Koval, O. O.
Keywords: lowfloor residential buildings with different heating systems
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Bondarenko A. Comparative analysis of microclimate parameters of lowfloor residential buildings with different heating systems / А. Bondarenko, Yev. Yurchenko, O. Koval // Інноваційні технології у будівництві, цивільній інженерії та архітектури : тези XIХ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (19-22 вересня 2021 р., м. Чернігів). – Дніпро : ДВНЗ ПДАБА, 2021. – С. 31-32
Abstract: EN: Now, more than ever, people want to live in their own houses with more comfortable and more ecological conditions. These conditions are provided by normative parameters of microclimate: temperature, humidity, a level of carbon dioxide, levels of which are under the influence of many factors, particularly of a heating system type. It is therefore essential to learn how various heating systems affect the microclimate.
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