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Title: The influence of green reconstruction on the Ukrainian business development in post-war period
Authors: Trojan, V.
Orlovska Yu.
Shashkina N.
Keywords: green reconstruction
Ukrainian business
post-war period
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2024
Publisher: Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
Citation: Trojan V. The influence of green reconstruction on the Ukrainian business development in post-war period / V. Trojan, Yu. Orlovska, N. Shashkina // Матеріали V науково-практичної конференції студентів, аспірантів і молодих вчених, (25−26 квітня 2024, Дніпро) : зб. тез. - Дніпро : ПДАБА, 2024. – С. 290-291
Abstract: EN: Formulation of the problem. Ukrainian society is well aware of the necessity for faster recovery, overcoming the terrible consequences of the war for all sectors of the Ukrainian economy. The terms of developing the recovery plans and financial support are well understood both by Ukrainian government and the EU countries. According to the conviction of public environmental organizations, it is extremely important today to lay the foundations not on rebuilding the past, but on building the future. That should be done on the basis of sustainable development, without repeating the mistakes of the past, for the sake of a better future. The development of recommendations and specific proposals for "green" recovery for various industries and territories is a necessary step for the proper reconstruction of Ukraine. "In order to build prospects, it is necessary not only to strengthen the defense forces, but to plan post-war recovery.
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